Flora Trinh 鄭雅穎

  • 2018年回去广州和北京的美好时光~ 现在想起来真的好想好想跟家人回去中国玩和吃饭。 在2020年,因为病情的原因回不了国 自己感觉好失望就因为刚刚在高中早毕业就是想回国玩。 病情开始之后我发现生活就是这样 it is always full of uncertainties. That is when I learned how to adapt to these sudden changes as covid went by.

  • Some of my favourite portfolio sketches I did during my one semester in Parsons School of Design. I believe that practice makes perfect and I can’t wait to bring these products to life in the next upcoming year!

  • Mental health is just as important as physical health. Do not be afraid to express your own emotions and thoughts to others around you. While I have suffered from depression during high school, I had always been in the habit of keeping things to myself and not having the courage to speak up. Thinking back, I would have told the 14 year old me that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes. But always remember that there is hope and faith in the world surrounding us and you will get through it one day. That’s what keeps everyone going at the end of the day.

  • 去年在温哥华最冷的季节里拍摄过程中突然见到大明星cole sprouse在gastown!!他还在旁边看着我们表演 也加了一句说我们好棒好厉害!那时候真的感动死我们了 同样带了很多温暖给我们(他说的每句话都好甜!也在为所有人加油!)当时因为病情的原因没办法一起近距离拍照 所以也要更加social distance来拍(觉得也是个good experience因为自己也从来没试过在这么远的距离跟别人拍照)这么多年之中 那天肯定是我最幸运的一天啦!

  • 这视频是去年前在bgm拍的最后个dance cover :( 看一眼就突然好想他们了 在这么多年之中,跳舞是一个事情能让我找到真实的自己和更加自信而且也能带着不同的挑战给自己,比如尝试不同的跳舞风格在舞台上. Live your life to the fullest with no regrets!

  • I am a dancer, a friend, a pet lover, a designer, a pianist who is on a mission to empower different women of all shapes and sizes to remind you that our beauty lies within ourselves. Our self confidence, character, honesty and charisma is what defines our beauty on the outside. Growing up in a society filled with strict beauty standards, I was often traumatized by the thought of how others would think of me. Over my teenage years, I have learned to accept myself for who I am and my perception of beauty has slowly begun to change, but not because I believe I fit into the beauty standards. I have accepted myself for who I am both inside out with the ability of gaining self confidence. In the end, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and no women should feel insecure about how they look and shape as everyone is different and no one is made to become perfect.

  • 几天前过了我19岁的生日!一想起来时间真的过得越来越快.. 希望19岁的我可以接受不同的挑战和增加自己的自信 每天都能过得开开心心快快乐乐健健康康♥️

  • 在2018年开了我第一个画展!从小到现在的我特别喜欢画画和设计很多不同类型的衣服 现在的我可以从艺术的方面来表达自己的性格和爱好

  • What is the true meaning behind beauty? Many may often interpret beauty as visuals, looks and having the perfect body shape. However, the authentic meaning behind beauty should be defined by our true inner selves. Having the pure heart and confidence to become who we truly are on the inside is something worth capturing in the long run. We should always remind ourselves at the end of the day that having outer beauty is only a gift, whereas gaining inner beauty is an accomplishment as beauty is not in the face and in the lights of our hearts.

  • While I have shooted many dance covers and performed on various stages for 10 consecutive years, I was brave enough to use this opportunity to grow even further as I was still young to explore and experience different things around my early teenage years. During my high school years, I was able to participate in many auditions in Vancouver that were held by different Korean entertainment companies and luckily was qualified as a trainee in one of my auditions I did that was from a big entertainment company in the headquarters of Korea. Growing up as a shy person, many around me have often asked me how I have built my courage to go to these nerve wracking auditions that plenty of people were too scared of going to. The answer is relatively simple. I believe that anyone should do what makes them happy and know that when you choose to do it, you won’t regret it in the future. Many say that one’s level of bravery and courage is what depends on their future success in life. Although I was competing against other 1,000 applicants in the audition, I still did not hesitate to walk into the audition room to showcase my talent because I knew at that very moment I would regret it if I were to walk out of this door empty handed. Sometimes it's either you take the risk, or lose the chance. Being able to go to various auditions has made me realize how great of a dancer I was at the end of day. I was blessed to have experienced these unforgettable yet scary auditions while I was at a young age as I have accomplished something big that I never thought I, myself would have ever done in my life growing up as a shy kid.